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My Call to Adventure

Updated: Jun 18, 2019

After many years in corporate, I knew there had to be more and began to feel the call to adventure, a need to discover what this 'more' looked like. While standing on the top of a mountain, arms outstretched in the air, I found my freedom but little did I know at the time, that this would mark the beginning of a complete life transformation.

Listen to the interview here:

WHAT IS THE #COURAGE1000PROJECT? MellyS The Story Collector brings you a thought provoking new series of heartfelt interviews through the #courage1000project. We are aiming to collect 1000 true life stories in order to inspire others to seek their own definition of courage, for we believe courage cannot be taught, but instead, must be found from within.

Are you ready to add your own story to the #courage1000project?

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