Ignite Your Innovation
Jessica Zemple created Life Shucker with the idea that you are a pearl. It is the essence, the heart, of who you are.
The radiance of your pearl was created by layers of strength through the grit of life’s experiences. Each pearl has a shell.
When life brings challenges, we often close the shell around our pearl to protect our self. The problem is the shell creates a barrier between you and the world making you feel disconnected to yourself and others.
The shell also hides the beauty of who you are and holds you back from sharing your gifts with the world in the fullest expression. Eventually the once protective shells start to hold us back from reaching our greatest potential. It is then time to shuck the shell open with love to let your pearl shine leading to more meaningful success.
Jessica and I talk about Ignite Your Innovation – if you only see one answer you are missing infinite possibilities. Often people try to solve problems in the same mindset that created the problem in the first place. Learn how to use your creativity to experience life in a new way and deliver even greater results than you ever thought possible.